Understanding the use of zencontrol smart blind relay on a Dynalite installation.

Creation date: 11/20/2024 2:08 PM    Updated: 11/20/2024 3:21 PM   blind dynalite relay smart zencontrol
When using a zencontrol smart blind relay with a Dynalite installation, there is a chance that you may experience issues with control of a blind control.

The issue that may be witnessed is the ability to identify the blind, where it partially moves up and down, but when mapping it to an area and attempting to use preset functions to control them, no control is witnessed.

The reason that the identify works is due to the fact that the Dynalite DALI gateway identifies by sending a Recall Max/Recall Min. These functions translate into a positional movement command according to the zencontrol smart blind relay.

When mapped to an area, preset functions from Dynalite now use scene commands, which early firmware version zencontrol smart blind relays do not respond to.

There are two ways this matter can be resolved:

1) Ensure the zencontrol smart blind relay is on the latest firmware, this can be done by connecting the smart blind relay to a zencontrol application controller. zc-smart-blind relays predating firmware version 2.59.2 may require firmware updating.

2) Using the Network log in System Builder to monitor the traffic of the identify, the command string can be manipulated to operate the smart blind relay and sent via Task Manager.

An example command string that you may recieve from the log will look similar to:

AC 05 A3 DA 00 01 64 00 2D 02 00 07 00 00 10 10 02 00 01 67 05 00 XX XX
AC 05 A3 DA 00 01 64 00 2D 02 00 07 00 00 10 10 02 00 01 67 06 00 XX XX

Using Task Manager, custom Dynet operation codes can be created to send variations of these strings, which will give you the ability to open, close and stop the blinds, following the guidelines below:

Note: if using a string from the network log, remove the last 2 bytes from the string, outlined above as XX XX

Blind Open:

Using the first example above, after removing the last two bytes if required, the now last 3 bytes are 67 05 00. We are only interested in the first 2 bytes listed here, which represent as follows:

  • 67 - DALI short address in hex
  • 05 - DALI command for Recall Max
Note: 67 represents the indirect address for DALI short address 51 (67 hex = 103 dec). More details on this topic can be found here. This is important to know for later.

This means the following task can be created in Task Manager

Note: the command strings used above will need a leading 0x for them to be recognised as hex by Task Builder and the dynet function.

Blind Close:

To close the blind, a second task must be created but can be copied from the Blind open task. The only variation to the command string is the second to last byte (05), to 00

Blind Stop:

To stop the blind, a third task must be created, but can also be copied from the Blind open task.

In the command string, we must change the third to last byte to represent the direct address of the DALI short address by subtracting 1 (in this example 0x67 becomes 0x66). Example: hex address 0x1F becomes 0x1E.

Additionally, the second to last byte in the command string must now become 0xFF. See the example screenshot below:

These tasks can now be saved and tested.

As per the time of the creation of this article, this was tested on the DDBC-320 Dynalite DALI Gateway.