Programming zencontrol to control a DMX line (Send)

Creation date: 8/26/2024 5:45 PM    Updated: 8/28/2024 4:59 PM   dali dmx integration send zencontrol
In this article, it will cover off how to create the mapping required to control a DMX line. This article follows on from where the article Getting started with DMX finished. If you have not read this article, it is recommended to do as such to understand the prerequisites before programming.

This article assumes that the DMX line has been addressed, and that the DMX send licence has been enabled for your application controller/s.

Step 1: Click into the DMX tab available from Gridview.

This provides you with the user interface to begin creating your mapping.

Channel Description
Channel Defines what controller a DMX channel is associated to and the expected colour of the light
Send mapping Defines the fade rate and fade time of the DMX fitting so that DALI can translate to it
Absolute input Defines a DMX slot to be used as an absolute input within DALI - Relevant for the Receive licence
Target Defines the targets used for the absolute input - Relevant for the Receive licence
Group name Similar to DALI groups, but used for DMX to create virtual groups to control multiple DMX lights at once - Relevant for the Send licence
Group assignment Defines what DMX lights are in what virtual group - Relevant for the Send licence

Note: Only the send or the recieve functionality can be enabled at one time.

Step 2: Enter a Channel configuration

Start by selecting the Control System that the DMX line is connected to, selecting the send behaviour, the colour type of the channel and then filling in the location details.

Repeat this for as many DMX lights that you wish to integrate to.

To assist with adding multiple DMX lights at once, during the Control System selection, you can change the Creation Type to multiple

This will let you create mass entries at once, following the channel range specified in the Start channel number and End channel number.

Step 3: Configuring Send Mapping

The zencontrol application controller needs to know how to convert its own DALI dimming methods over to DMX, this is configured within the Send mapping tab. Here we can specify the minimum and maximum brightness that we can operate the DMX light between, as well as its power on level. Additionally we can configure the fade rate and fade time used by DALI input devices to control the DMX light

In this example, the minimum and maximum brightness are configured to 1 and 255 respectively with a power on level of 255 (100%)

The Fade Rate and Fade Time though are configured to 127 and 1. This means that every 1 second of dimming time translates to 127 steps through the 0-255 dimming range of the DMX light. As this is how DALI manages dimming at an ECG level, we now have a translatable method between DALI and DMX.

Step 4: Configure DMX Group Names

In the same way that DALI declares groups, it is implemented the same way for DMX within zencontrol. Up to 16 DMX "groups" can be created to make targeting mass DMX lights simpler from a commissioning standpoint.

Note: DMX does not natively have support for groups, and instead focuses on mass individual channel control through sheer speed of communication. When a zencontrol application controller speaks to a DMX line via a group, in reality, it is speaking to each channel individually. The group concept is only there as a convenience for programming.

To configure a DMX "group", enable the group via the check box and enter in a group name.

Step 5: Group Assignment

Like DALI, the final step is to assign the DMX lights into the DMX groups, this process is identical to group assignment for DALI ECGs

As the DMX light that was created in the Channel tab was declared as red, and the red DMX group is group 1, group 1 has been selected.

Step 6: Assigning control to an input device

Now that the DMX line is configured, the last step is to configure a switch or sensor to control the DMX line. This is done under the instances tab where normal DALI input programming is managed. The only configuration difference is the target.

In the Target Type option, select either DMX channel or DMX group, this will then provide you access to either the channels you created back in step 2 or the groups created in step 4

Note: There is a subtle difference in the presented name after selecting your desired DMX group, as denoted in the screenshot below, any DALI group is prefixed with a G, where as any DMX group is prefixed with DG 

From this point, all remaining programming (profile management, button behaviour, sequences etc) are all programmed the same way as any other DALI control.

This concludes how to configure a switch to control a DMX group or fitting, to learn how to control DALI via DMX through a DALI application controller, see the following article