Programming zencontrol to control DALI from a DMX line (Receive)

Creation date: 8/28/2024 4:58 PM    Updated: 8/28/2024 4:58 PM   dali dmx integration receive zencontrol
In this article, it will cover off how to create the mapping required to control DALI via DMX line connected to a zencontrol application controller. This article follows on from where the article Getting started with DMX finished. If you have not read this article, it is recommended to do as such to understand the prerequisites before programming.

This article assumes that the DMX line has been addressed, and that the DMX receive licence has been enabled for your application controller/s.

Step 1: Click into the DMX tab available from Gridview.

This provides you with the user interface to begin creating your mapping.

ChannelDefines what controller a DMX channel is associated to and the expected colour of the light
Send mappingDefines the fade rate and fade time of the DMX fitting so that DALI can translate to it
Absolute inputDefines a DMX slot to be used as an absolute input within DALI - Relevant for the Receive licence
TargetDefines the targets used for the absolute input - Relevant for the Receive licence
Group nameSimilar to DALI groups, but used for DMX to create virtual groups to control multiple DMX lights at once - Relevant for the Send licence
Group assignmentDefines what DMX lights are in what virtual group - Relevant for the Send licence

Note: Only the send or the recieve functionality can be enabled at one time.

Step 2: Enter a Channel configuration

Start by selecting the Control System that the DMX line is connected to, selecting the receive behaviour, the colour type of the channel and then filling in the location details.

Repeat this for as many DMX lights that you wish to integrate to.

To assist with adding multiple DMX lights at once, during the Control System selection, you can change the Creation Type to multiple

This will let you create mass entries at once, following the channel range specified in the Start channel number and End channel number.

Step 3: Configuring DMX as an Absolute Input

Receiving a DMX message is considered an absolute input as the status of the DMX light is maintained, just like an absolute input device such as a standard rocker switch maintains its position after the user input has completed.

Select the Absolute input tab. Any DMX channel behaviour that was set to Receive in the Channel tab will show here

Like the Absolute input section in Instance types, much of the user interface at this point is the same, in this example, the function type of Value to arc has been selected. This means that the level of the DMX fitting will now dictate the arc level of Group 0 on the local controller while the business hours profile is active.

If you wish to target more than one DALI target, you can use the Target tab to add additional targets

This concludes how to map a DMX channel to a DALI target via a zencontrol application controller. For more information on how to configure an application controller to control a DMX line, see the following article 