Available licences for zencontrol application controllers

Creation date: 8/22/2024 2:42 PM    Updated: 9/2/2024 2:47 PM   add ons integration licence zencontrol
This article outlines the available integrations that are available to add on to a zencontrol application controller. It also outlines which application controllers support which licences as in certain circumstances, it is either not possible or not relevant.

Name Code Room Controller AC PRO
AC3 PRO per Channel
AC Lite
AC3 Lite per Channel
Third Party ECD zc-dc-ecd
Third Party EM zc-dc-em
Third Party Interface zc-tpi
TPI Advanced zc-tpi-adv
Serial TPI zc-tpi-serial
Somfy (SDN) zc-somfy-sdn
Somfy (RTS) zc-somfy-rts
Virtual Switches (each) zc-vs
Bacnet zc-bacnet
Bacnet Inputs zc-bacnet-ext
Bacnet FDR (Server) zc-bacnet-fdr
EDI (Pharos Trigger) zc-edi
Modbus 485 zc-modbus-485
DMX sACN zc-dmx-sACN
DMX Send zc-dmx-Tx
DMX Receive zc-dmx-Rx
Control 4 zc-c4
MQTT zc-mqtt
zencontrol onsite zc-onsite

1) Third Party ECD and EM licences only apply to Lite controllers as the Pro versions have full support for all third party devices

2) An application controller can support multiple licences that makes use of the RS485 port, but only a single one can be active at a given time

3) Licences can not be applied to controllers after the zencontrol onsite licence has been applied to an application controller

4) A maximum of 16 licences can be enabled on a single controller

5) DMX sACN will require either the DMX Receive or DMX Send licence
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