Launching and beginning with the on-site server software for zencontrol

Creation date: 8/16/2024 7:46 PM    Updated: 8/16/2024 7:46 PM   offline onsite software zencontrol
This article will outline the basic overview of the on-site server software for zencontrol.

The on-site server software is only available for sites where 1 or more licences have been purchased and applied to the zencontrol application controllers found on site. For more information on this, please refer to this article as it is a prerequisite to this article.

When the on-site server software is launched on the headend computer, you will be presented with the following user interface:

Any controller that has a on-site license applied to it will show under the Known section, additionally, if the site also has any application controllers without this license not applied to it, they will show in the Unknown section. When the software opens, there will be a prompt in the bottom right hand corner of the user interface which will outline the processes currently underway. This information can otherwise be viewed by selecting the cog icon next to Tasks.

This will show the progress of any undergoing tasks and if they have been completed. Once the initial scans are completed, click on the save button to save the imported configuration. During this import, if there are any conflicts in the data being imported, they will show up under the conflicts tab on the left hand side of the user interface.

Clicking on the Action button on the far right after loading the Conflicts tab will show the required tasks to correct any outstanding issues. You may have to repeat this process multiple times in the situation of multiple data conflicts

Once saved, additional options will become available on the left hand side bar in the user interface

To begin configuration of an application controller, use the drop down menu in the top right hand corner of the user interface to select a controller

After loading, additional options will present themselves at the top of the user interface.

The interface should now begin to feel similar to the zencontrol cloud user interface, with only minor differences in terminology.

Button Description
Controllers Lists every controller within the on-site server, similar to the control system tab
Bus units Lists every DALI device that is connected to this application controller, similar to the device location tab
Gear Lists every ECG and their respective properties, similar to the Device types tab
Devices Lists every ECD and their respective properties, similar to the Instance types tab
Groups Lists the DALI group configuration for this DALI line, similar to the groups and scenes tab
Scenes Lists the scene configuration for this DALI line, similar to the groups and scenes tab
Relationships Lists the relationship mappings between 1 or more device, similar to the Assignment & Logic -> Relationship tab
Triggers Lists the triggers for this DALI line, similar to the Triggers and sequences tab
Schedules Lists all the schedules on the DALI line, similar to the schedules function in the Triggers and sequences tab
Network Allows you to configure the IP address details of the application controller and the BACnet settings if available, similar to the Network tab and BACnet tab
Profile status Shows the current profile status of the application controller
DMX Allows for the configuration of a connected DMX line, should the feature be enabled on this controller
Note: The on-site server only allows for a single DALI line to be configured at a time, and any modifications to any properties need to be manually saved by pressing the save button in the bottom right of the user interface.

The left hand side bar is used to handle site wide management, as opposed to management of individual DALI line properties.

Button Description
Cards Shows information about the site such as current outstanding issues
Faults log Shows historical information about issues that have happened
Alarms Shows alarms on the site, similar to the Alarms tab
Cloud services If the on-site server has an internet connection, it can perform tasks such as downloading the plan view details or updating product info, for more information, see the following article
Settings Configures information about the site
Commissioning Allows for configuration of DALI lines on a site, similar to grid view
Floors Allows for configuration of floors for the site, similar to the Sites -> Floors tab
Profiles Allows for the creation and management of profiles on this site, similar to the profiles tab
Sequences Allows for the creation and management of sequences used on this site, similar to the sequences tab under triggers and sequences
Zones Allows for the creation and assignment of zones, similar to the zones feature in the cloud
Key Store Legacy feature that serves no purpose at this stage
Add-ons Configuration settings for features such as DMX and MQTT if they have been enabled for the site
Time Time and location settings for the site
This concludes the brief run through of the on-site server software, for any additional questions or concerns, please reach out to your local Lumen Resources representative