How to change the operating mode of a zc-switch

Creation date: 2/14/2024 4:39 PM    Updated: 2/15/2024 10:16 AM   input mode operation switch zencontrol
This article covers how to change the mode of a zc-switch. This is often required when needing to switch between different input types such as momentary push button switches or absolute inputs or rotary controls.

The zc-switch provides multiple options which it can be configured into to support the desired dry contact input signal.

To configure this, navigate to Grid View -> Instance types -> ECD and locate the desired zc-switch. The functionality of the switch can be changed via the Operating Mode drop down.

The following options are commonly used examples:
  • Push Button/Push Button - used to create a 2 gang switch with momentary push button switches
  • LED with Push Button or Push Button with LED - used in conjunction with zc-pbs-2020-kit
  • Push Button/Abs Input - used to create a 2 gang switch where the A input is used for a momentary push button, and the B input is used with an absolute input
  • Abs Input/Abs Input - used to create a 2 gang switch with absolute input switches or reed switches
  • Rotary Dimmer - used to create a 1 gang switch, typically used with zc-rotary

Note: Upon changing this setting, this may cause for the zc-switch to lose its current programming, ensure that the unit is correctly programmed after changing the operational mode of the switch.