Understanding MQTT traffic to and from zencontrol application controllers

Creation date: 2/9/2024 8:52 PM    Updated: 2/12/2024 3:13 PM   integration mqtt zencontrol
This article will cover an overview of the data both sent and recieved between a zencontrol application controller and an MQTT broker.
For the purposes of this article, the following phrases will mean as such:
  • sent: data heading from an MQTT broker to a zencontrol application controller (control)
  • recieve: data heading from a zencontrol application to the MQTT broker (status)

This article makes the assumption that the reader has an understanding of MQTT and its included terminology

When a zencontrol application controller connects to an MQTT broker, the broker will recieve the following topic structure:


Example: zencontrol/v1/065716265624_00000000000FE23A

Details on the GTIN and serial numbers of the application controllers can be found within Grid View under Control System -> Network.

Note: GTIN within the topic name is represented in hexadecimal format. 6971103532580 decimal = 065716265624 hex.

Any traffic that happens on the DALI line is reported under its connected application controller and broken into the following categories:

  • Controller - details information about the controller directly. Example: Profile status

Topic structure: {base_topic}/{message_type}
Example structure: zencontrol/v1/065716265624_00000000000FE23A/profile

  • ECD - details information about the status of ECDs connected to the application controller. Example: Lux level

Topic structure: {base_topic}/ecd/{GTIN_in_hex}_{serial_number}_00/{message_type}/{endpoint}
Example structure: zencontrol/v1/065716265624_00000000000FE23A/ecd/087DD0834933_00000000000CFAD0_00/lux/value

  • ECG - details information about the status of ECGs connected to the application controller. Example: Arc level.

Topic structure: {base_topic}/ecg/{GTIN_in_hex}_{serial_number}_00/{message_type}/{endpoint}
Example structure: zencontrol/v1/065716265624_00000000000FE23A/ecg/087DD08326D1_00000000000F44BA_00/level/value

  • Group - details information about the status of the DALI groups used on the application controller: Example Arc level.

Topic structure: {base_topic}/group/{group_number}/{message_type}/{endpoint}
Example structure: zencontrol/v1/065716265624_00000000000FE23A/group/1/level/value

Additional topics such as Emergency are available, but are not covered in this article.

To send a message to an application controller via MQTT, a single endpoint topic is made available:

Topic structure: {base_topic}/messages/devicebound
Example structure:  zencontrol/v1/065716265624_00000000000FE23A/messages/devicebound

This topic requires a JSON message to be written to it, which in turn instructs the application controller to execute the command. Required as apart of this message is 3 components:

  • id - refers to the DALI address (group or short address)
  • rid - request ID, is a random value used to identify the message sent
  • target - determines the type of message to be sent (control of short address, group address etc)

target has the following action when set to the corresponding value:
  • 0 - Control Module
  • 1 - Emergency
  • 2 - ECG
  • 3 - ECG Group
  • 4 - ECD
  • 5 - ECD Group
  • 6 - Beacon

For control of a short address or a DALI group address, value 2 (ECG) or 3 (ECG Group) will be used.

In the following example, short address 4 will be set to level 127 over 5 seconds:

  "id": 4,
  "rid": 1,
  "target": 2,
  "level": {
    "arc": 127,
    "fade_time": 5000

In the next example, DALI group address 14 will be set to level 254 using the existing configured fade time:

  "id": 14,
  "rid": 1,
  "target": 3,
  "level": {
    "arc": 254

For further information on how to leverage MQTT, refer to the attached PDF within the zencontrol support article: What is MQTT
