Introduction to the Smart IO + Relay product range

Creation date: 1/22/2025 4:15 PM    Updated: 1/22/2025 4:15 PM   0-10v blinds io relay smart smp zencontrol
This article is an introduction to the din rail Smart IO modules available from zencontrol. These products share the same 6 din rail housing, but vary between the different models available.

The din rail Smart IO product range offers features such as voltage free relays, digital inputs, 0-10v outputs and SPST/SPDT relays, depending on which model you order. Some models mix and match which features are available, allowing for an uncompromising and cost effective solution to your automation control needs.

In addition to this, all Smart IO products include support for DALI wireless via the IEC62386-104 standard over Thread.

There are 6 available variations within this offer, which are as follows:

Order code
zc-io-8 DALI controller with 8 x 0-10V
zc-relay-4 4 Channel DALI relay controller
zc-relay-4-pro 4 Channel DALI Pro relay controller, with 8 x 0-10V
zc-relay-2d2s 4 Channel DALI Pro relay controller, 2 x SPST + 2 x SPDT
zc-relay-2d2s-pro 4 Channel DALI Pro relay controller, 2 x SPST + 2 x SPDT with 8 x 0-10V


The zencontrol zc-io-8 provides 8 0-10v outputs which can be used to control 0-10v loads. In addition to this though, the zc-io-8 can have these outputs converted from a 0-10v output, over to a digital input.

This digital input can then be configured to operate as a push button switch (IEC62386-301), as an absolute input (IEC62386-302), or as an occupancy sensor (IEC62386-303). This gives flexibility when integrating different input devices to the zc-io-8.

The conversion process from output to input mode works from left to right, meaning that as the unit is converted from 8 outputs down to X outputs, the next lowest available channel will become an input. We can not select individual channels to be either input or output at our discretion.

Example: if the controller is placed into 2 inputs and 6 outputs mode, IO channels 1 and 2 will become inputs and channels 3 through 8 will remain as outputs. If the controller is placed into 7 inputs and 1 output mode, IO channels 1 through 7 will become inputs and channel 8 will remain as an output.

Once a channel has been converted to an input, it can then have its mode configured for the appropriate input device type.

When a channel is in output mode, it is possible to select a dimming curve of either linear or logarithmic.


The zencontrol zc-relay-4 provides 4 voltage free relays which can be individually controlled (meaning that it consumes 4 ECG addresses of a DALI line).

The relay channels have a maximum continuous current rating of 10A, but only for resistive AC loads. Please refer to the instruction manuals for additional AC and DC current load limits.


The zencontrol zc-relay-4-pro combines the capabilities of the zc-io-8 together with the zc-relay-4, creating a unit where 4 relays and 8 0-10v outputs (consuming 12 ECG addresses) is possible in a single unit. The functionality of these two individual units is not impacted by combining them into the same hardware platform. This means that the 8 0-10v outputs can also be converted into inputs, in identical functionality to the zc-io-8.


The zencontrol zc-relay-2d2s provides 4 relay outputs like the zc-relay-4, but instead of being a standard dry contacts, provides 2 single pole single throw (SPST) and 2 single pole double throw (SPDT) relays.

The advantage of these relay types are that they can be used for connectivity to loads such as blinds, allowing for control of opening and closing, while still providing abilitiy to stop them too. This would provide upto 2 blinds per zc-relay-2d2s.

The relay channels have a maximum continuous current rating of 10A, but only for resistive AC loads. Please refer to the instruction manuals for additional AC and DC current load limits.


The zencontrol zc-relay-2d2s-pro combines the capabilities of the zc-io-8 together with the zc-relay-2d2s, creating a unit where 4 relays and 8 0-10v outputs (consuming 12 ECG addresses) is possible in a single unit. The functionality of these two individual units is not impacted by combining them into the same hardware platform. This means that the 8 0-10v outputs can also be converted into inputs, in identical functionality to the zc-io-8.