What BACnet licence is right for you?

Creation date: 11/7/2024 11:20 PM    Updated: 1/31/2025 5:02 PM   bacnet emergency inputs licence pics smp standard zencontrol
Within the zencontrol platform, there are a selection of licences which are available. Each licence serves a different purpose but there are a number of rules which must be followed when selecting the correct solution for your project.

At present, there are 3 BACnet licence choices available to you. These are:

  • BACnet Server Standard
  • BACnet Server Inputs
  • BACnet FDR Server
This article will cover off the BACnet Server Standard land BACnet Server Inputs licences.

When choosing between these licences, the primary choices will be either the BACnet Server Standard or BACnet Server Inputs licence. Only one of these licences can be active at a time, although it is possible to have both available on a single controller.

For more information on the BACnet FDR Server licence, see the following article

These two licences share common BACnet points which are pointed out below.

BACnet Server Common Features:

When selecting a BACnet Server licence, you will expect to recieve the following data points via BACnet:
  • Occupancy state for DALI Groups
  • Flags indicating an issue on the DALI line
  • Lamp and Gear Failure per DALI Group
  • Communication Errors per DALI Group
  • Lamp and Gear Failure per DALI Short address
  • Communication Errors per DALI Short address
  • Status and Control of DALI Groups
  • Current active DALI scene per DALI Group
  • Inhibit status per DALI Group
  • Minimum and Maximum reported light level per DALI Group
  • Fitting Number (Location ID), GTIN and serial per DALI Short address
  • OEM GTIN and OEM serial per DALI Short address
  • System active monitor
  • Profile status and control

BACnet Server Standard

Included alongside the common features mentioned, this licence includes data points such as
  • Battery and lamp fail state per DALI Emergency device address
  • Communication error state per DALI Emergency device address
  • Lamp on status per DALI Emergency device address
  • DALI Short address per DALI Emergency device address
  • Rated duration (minutes) per DALI Emergency device address
  • Emergency failure state per DALI Emergency device address
  • Emergency status state per DALI Emergency device address
  • Fitting Number (Location ID) per DALI Emergency device address
  • GTIN and serial number per DALI Emergency device address
  • OEM GTIN and OEM serial number per DALI Emergency device address
Please note that the DALI Emergency device address does not always correlate to the DALI Short address.

BACnet Server Inputs

Included alongside the common features mentioned, this licence includes data points such as
  • System variable status and control for the first 48 system variables
  • General Purpose Sensor status for up to 32 instances per address
  • LED indicator status and control per supported momentary switch
  • LED indicator status and control per supported absolute input switch
  • Switch state per switch (pressed, unpressed, stuck)
  • Sensor state per sensor (occupied, unoccupied)
  • Switch state per absolute input (state 1, state 2)
  • Lux level reported per light level sensor instance
To see specific details about what DALI information is mapped to what BACnet point, please see the following link to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet. Please make sure to check back on this article for further updates as the BACnet implementation in zencontrol may have changed between firmware versions

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