When changing the operating mode of an ECD, it does not show its instances in the correct ECD sub tab

Creation date: 10/23/2024 3:24 PM    Updated: 10/23/2024 3:24 PM   absolute input ecd input instance operating mode push button
Several of zencontrol's ECD products can change their operating mode, this allows for a single product to operate in different ways depending on the use case scenario.

An example of this is the zc-switch, where its inputs can be configured to operate with different switch types, such as momentary press, absolute inputs (maintained switch) and rotary mechs.

This operating mode can be selected via the zencontrol cloud under Grid View -> Instance Types -> ECD.

On rare occasion when changing the mode, instead of creating the appropriate instances under the appropriate sub tab (Push Button, Absolute Input etc), it may instead create them as a generic instance.

When this happens, change the operating mode away from the desired setting, wait for this to apply by confirming that the operating mode has changed to black text, then return it back to the desired mode.

This forces the ECD to attempt to recreate its operating mode instances again, failing this, please reach out to your local Lumen Resources representative for further advice.