Touch Switch: How to compile your .json file into a .config file for use on the Touch Switch app for Android

Creation date: 9/3/2024 5:24 PM    Updated: 9/3/2024 5:24 PM   android app json touch switch touchscreen tpi zencontrol
This article will show how to convert your .json file into a .config file for use zencontrol Touch Switch app for Android.

For a high level overview of what the zencontrol Touch Switch app, see the following article

Step 1: Copy the content of your JSON file

Begin by selecting all of your JSON content inside of your .json file within your text editor. Right click on the highlighted text and select "Copy"

Step 2: Navigate to your site in the zencontrol cloud

After logging into the zencontrol cloud, navigate to your site and open it. Once in your site, select Tools from the left hand side menu

Step 3: Select Switch Creator

Step 4: Select Modify and Download

Step 5: Paste your JSON code into the text box

At this point, you are presented with a text box which contains some example code, select all this code and delete it. Paste your JSON code here and press the Download button in the bottom right of the screen

By pressing the Download button, this compiles your JSON code and provides you with a switches.config file which is now ready to be loaded onto the Android device