Getting started with DMX

Creation date: 8/26/2024 3:48 PM    Updated: 9/2/2024 2:53 PM   dali dmx recieve sacn send zencontrol
This article provides a basic introduction to using DMX with zencontrol. It explains how to connect a DMX universe directly to a zencontrol application controller and outlines the prerequisites before commissioning can begin.

DMX, or Digital Multiplex, is a standard for digital communication networks commonly used in lighting control systems. It enables various lighting fixtures and controllers to communicate, allowing for precise control over lighting effects, dimming, and other parameters. DMX typically uses a 5-pin XLR connector for connections and is widely utilized in theatrical productions, concerts, and events to manage complex lighting setups.

Note: the zencontrol application controller only supports 8 bit DMX messages.

Before beginning, the zencontrol application controller will require at minimum, a DMX send licence. This licence needs to be purchased on a per application controller basis where a DMX line is connected directly to it.

For example, if you had a 3 channel application controller, and a DMX line was connected to channel 1 and 2, you will need a DMX licence for channels 1 and 2 and but not for channel 3. Channel 3 will still be able to control the DMX devices connected to channels 1 and 2 as the licence only applies to the channel that the DMX line connects to.

There are 3 DMX licences available for purchase per controller, these are:

Order Code Description
zc-dmx-rx Enables DMX inputs to be mapped as DALI-2 device inputs. (Receive messages from DMX line) 
zc-dmx-tx Trigger DMX channels with sequences programmed and created in the zencontrol cloud. (Send messages to DMX line)
zc-dmx-sACN Enables the zencontrol controller to communicate with show controllers supporting sACN, such as Pharos. This licence requires either a send or receive licence to be active on the controller prior to working

A DMX line must be connected to a zencontrol application controller via the RS485 port. This means that any other integration that uses this RS485 port can not be used while the DMX line is connected (Somfy, Modbus, TPI Serial etc).

Note: It is strongly advised to use a DMX opto splitter to create electrical segregation between the application controller and the remainder of the DMX line.

Once 1 or more DMX licences are applied to an application controller, this will unlock a new tab within Gridview of your site labeled "DMX"

Once the DMX menu is available, you will need to step into the Add-ons section to enable DMX on your controller/s.

Once in this menu, you may check the tickbox corresponding to your enabled licence. In the above screenshot, this controller has had the zc-dmx-tx licence applied and enabled.

For further information about programming zencontrol to work with DMX, please see the following article demonstrating programming a DALI input to control a DMX light