Importing Plan View details into an on-site server

Creation date: 8/16/2024 8:14 PM    Updated: 8/16/2024 8:14 PM   authenticate offline onsite plan view software zencontrol
This article will cover off the required steps for importing the plan view configuration found within the zencontrol cloud for a site.

This is one of the final steps of configuring an on-site server to manage a zencontrol installation. If unsure on what the on-site server is or how to begin with it, please see the following article.

Step 1: Select the Cloud services tab

Within the zencontrol on-site server software, select the Cloud services tab from the left hand side menu.

Click the Start button on the right hand side to authenticate the software to the cloud, using your zencontrol account details.

Note: Your zencontrol account details must have access to the corresponding site that the zencontrol application controllers were originally assigned to.

Select Login to authenticate. You will then be presented with an Authorization request, which will grant access for this client to access the cloud data on your behalf.

Creating a dedicated zencontrol account to be used will ensure best security practises are maintained, but is not mandatory. If you wish to create a dedicated account for this, press next, otherwise if you wish to allow the on-site server to have access to everything your account does, select the option "Authorise "zencontrol-onsite" to all devices that I have access to

After pressing next, the software will then return back what sites this account has access to, to accept this authorisation, press Accept, or Back to change what account you wish to log in with.

Upon successfully authenticating, additional start buttons will appear within the tasks section, allowing you to perform those functions. To download the existing plan view configuration from the cloud, click the start button

Once completed, a Plans option becomes available in the left hand side menu of the user interface

This completes the importation of plan view and its corresponding configuration from the zencontrol cloud. At this point, the site can now become disconnected from the internet.