Process for replacing a zencontrol application controller

Creation date: 8/14/2024 3:17 PM    Updated: 8/14/2024 3:17 PM   application controller dali replace zencontrol
This article will talk about the process of replacing a zencontrol application controller within the zencontrol cloud platform.

You might need to replace a controller under circumstances such as:
  • The application controller has failed
  • Swapping out an AC3 controller for 3 x AC1 controllers (or visversa)

Note: When a restoration happens to a controller, the backup comes from the zencontrol cloud. The restoration will not consider any recent data since the replaced controller was disconnected from the internet.

Step 1: Replace the physical application controller.

Disconnect the application controller that is being replaced from DALI, its 240V supply and ethernet and replace it with the new application controller. If you are replacing an AC3  with 3 AC1 controllers, repeat this process until all 3 controllers are replaced. Ensure the new application controller boots up and shows a green status indicator.

Step 2: Add the new controller/s to your site via the QR code

Using an Android device with the zencontrol commission app, confirm that you are logged into an account which has access to the site. Select the relevant site followed by Control systems.

Select the Plus icon in the bottom right hand corner.

Then select the camera icon in the bottom right to open your camera. Point the camera at the QR code found on the front of the new application controller.

You will be asked to assign the new application controller an ID and a floor, while none of this information matters, it is recommended to pick an ID number which is 100 more than the replaced controller to make locating it in future steps easier. You may also pick any floor as this information will be replaced during the restoration process.

Step 3: Firmware update the new controller.

The aim of this process is to get the new application controller to a firmware version which is equal or newer than the version of the replaced application controller. This ensures a smooth replacement process as new features may have been added that are not supported by the included firmware found on the new controller. If possible, while it should not have any impact, it is best to pick a firmware version which does not change between major firmware revisions (example: if the old controller is on firmware 1.9.171, the best option would be to update to 1.9.215 instead of 2.0.23)

A firmware update must be performed via the cloud web interface via Grid view -> Control System -> Control system. Right click on the new controller, navigate to Upgrade firmware and then select the firmware version of choice based off the previous note.

Step 4: Replace the controller within the cloud

Under Grid view -> Control System -> Control System, right click on the control to be replaced and select Repair control system

This will take you to the Repair control system page

Under Action, select the option "Replaced control system with other control system" as this most aptly describes the task at hand.
Under Notes, enter in the reason for the replacement, this is to help with future site auditing if needed.
Under Replace, select the new application controller that you wish to replace this with.

Once these 3 fields are filled in correctly, double check them as this process can not be reversed.

Upon confirming the fields are correct, press the Repair button in the bottom right. This process will take anywhere between 5-10 minutes, and is best to leave the web browser tab for this open and visible.

Note: It is possible to perform the replacement of multiple controllers simultaneously, but it is recommended to separate out the browser tabs into their own separate viewable windows.