How to troubleshoot DALI installation when log is showing trash

Creation date: 7/25/2024 1:37 PM    Updated: 7/25/2024 1:37 PM   dali log trash troubleshooting zencontrol
Situations may arise where a zencontrol application controller is unable to speak to a DALI line. In often cases, we can use the ZC Monitor tool to investigate this.

When connecting to a site via the ZC Monitor tool, if we see trash messages showing in the log, like the example below

This may mean one or more of the following things:

1) The zencontrol application controller is unable to transmit and receive messages from the DALI line
2) The DALI power supply has failed or is failing
3) A device on the DALI line has failed or is failing

To troubleshoot this, it is best to leave the ZC Monitor Tool running on a near by computer or laptop as any changes to the DALI line's health will become evident almost immediately.

First step is to disconnect the DALI field wiring from the zencontrol application controller and the DALI power supply, leaving only the application controller connected to the DALI power supply.

If the ZC Monitor Tool stops showing trash messages and begins to show normal behaviour (any message but trash messages), this concludes that the issue is a device in the field. Note that as the log was generating trash messages, this eliminates the possibility of the issue being a short between the DALI field wire or the DALI power supply providing 0V to the DALI line.

The fault at this stage is likely a failing/failed ECG or ECD.

If the trash messages continue to show in the log, this means that the fault resides with either the zencontrol application controller or the DALI power supply. To confirm this, connect the application controller to a different DALI power supply and observe the log.

If the trash messages disappear, it is likely that the DALI power supply requires replacing.

If the trash messages continue, it is likely that the zencontrol application controller requires replacing.
Articles that focus on assisting in troubleshooting zencontrol installations