Accuracy of the data used in the Power Dashboard

Creation date: 7/5/2024 3:10 PM    Updated: 8/7/2024 3:33 PM   252 dt51 lighting metering modbus power zencontrol
Within the zencontrol platform, the system is capable of producing a dashboard which shows the power usage of all DALI devices connected. This data can be valuable as a facility manager to understand usage within a building, but also help anticipate costs too.

This data is collected in 1 of 3 ways:

  • Via the DALI driver supporting the Device Type 51 standard (DALI Part 252 - Energy Data)
  • Via manually entering in the maximum power consumption of the driver under Device Types -> ECG -> Max Power
  • Via a suitable modbus power meter connected via the RS485 interface on an application controller.

Note: the energy data returned by a DT51 device is subject to the accuracy and capabilities of the driver. For example: zencontrol products which support DT51 assert to be accurate within 10%.

When relying solely off of the manually configured maximum power consumption method, this data should not be treated as accurate, but instead used to establish trending power consumption over time. 

Using a modbus power meter will provide the highest level of accuracy, but will depend on the installation being designed in a way where this data can be easily attained. In addition to this, a modbus license will also be required for the application controller to allow for this functionality.