Fully Qualified Domain Names (FQDN) for zencontrol cloud services (Public IP)

Creation date: 2/5/2024 3:58 PM    Updated: 9/9/2024 5:35 PM   firewall fqdn ip network zencontrol
This article outlines all domains used by the zencontrol platform. This information may be used by IT operations to include into firewalls.

Domain Function Ports
fw-download.zencontrol.com For the controllers to upgrade their firmware TCP 6396 & TCP 5112
connect.zencontrol.com For the controllers to connect to the cloud TCP 5113
ntp.buildinglogin.com For the controllers to resync their time* UDP 123
mobile.zencontrol.com Used by the commissioning app TCP 8901 & TCP 8902
api.zencontrol.com For the automated integration with the cloud TCP 443
login.zencontrol.com For authentication into the web portal TCP 443
cloud.zencontrol.com Location of the web portal TCP 443
developer.zencontrol.com API documentation TCP 443

* Application controllers will use the time server specified above, but this can be redirected to an internal time server via DHCP option 42 or a DNS redirect for ntp.buildinglogin.com.

Do not resolve the FQDN to an IP address as the IP address associated with the domain name can change.