How to recover lost Controller QR code.

Creation date: 5/16/2023 3:55 PM    Updated: 11/2/2023 10:39 AM   lost qr qrcode

The full process for replacing QR codes is as follows.

Step 1:  Connect 1 controller at a time to a network. Possibly a test network at home or in the office. Make sure there are no other zencontrol controllers on this network. If there is it just makes step 4 a little harder to identify.

Step 2:  Log in to any zencontrol site and download the Commissioning tool v0.9 – 0.12 

Step 3:  Extract the folder within and run the zencontrol commissioning tool.

Step 4:  This tool should automatically scan the local network and return a list of application controllers. You may need to select the Unassigned tab to view this list. Number each controller physically as well as write down the information for each one. The information zencontrol require is the EAN and Serial numbers. 

Step 5:  Send this information to Lumen resources and we shall organise the discovery of the QR codes in question.

Step 6:  Digital QR codes will be sent to Lumen Resources along with a fee from zencontrol.

Step 7:  Replacement code/s will be emailed along with an invoice to the contractor whom has lost the sticker QR codes.
