Commands sent to Somfy blinds

Creation date: 4/1/2022 10:54 AM    Updated: 11/15/2023 1:09 PM   kb-009 somfy
Somfy blinds can be controlled via directly via the zencontrol RS485 Application controllers.
A Somfy license must be installed on your application controller in order for the RS485 port to be able to issue commands

There are two ways of communicating to Somfy blind motors using the RS485 link
  1. SDN (485 directly to each blind) 
  2. RTS (485 to a Somfy RTS group controller) 

Both models emulate the lights as virtual relays. You can target them in the same way you would a regular DALI ECG.


RTS models only have 3 DALI control commands that can be sent. 
  • Up
  • Down
  • Arc level 255 MASK (Stop)

The Somfy RTS controller does not provide any feedback so zencontrol provides 10 DALI addresses to represent the 10 wireless channels in the controller. Each channel can have as many motors as you wish to allocate using the Somfy commissioning tool.

Here is an example pushbutton configuration


SDN network supports any level from 0-254 with 255 also stopping the motor.
Following the connection of the RS485 motors and installation of the Somfy Add-on license the application controller needs to be power cycled. On boot up the application controller scans the RS485 line and automatically imports motors as DALI devices.
The SDN supports up to 12 addresses with a 13th allocated as broadcast.